For many years, the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews has been providing full scholarships to outstanding teachers in Palm Beach County to attend the Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) summer workshop, “Holocaust and Human Behavior,” in the Boston area.
The information, training, and inspiration that the teachers bring back to their classrooms, schools, and community are invaluable to them personally and professionally, and dovetail beautifully with the mission of the Fellowship.With Holocaust Studies a mandated but unfunded part of the State of Florida’s curriculum, the Fellowship understands the importance of providing these tools to local teachers to continue the work of not only Holocaust education but combating social injustice and unjust discrimination of all kinds. Supporting educators to participate in this program is one of the things we do of which we are most proud.
2018 Participants
The following educators attended the "Holocaust and Human Behavior" workshop in July 2018:
Kathleen Devine | The Benjamin School
Anne Franzen | The Benjamin School
Rachael Kelly | Loggers Run Middle School
Kathleen Keithley | Olympic Heights High School
Sanford Lopater | John I. Leonard High School
Bogdan Paraschivoiu | Omni Middle School
Robert Weiner | Santaluces High School
Additionally, 2017 "Holocaust and Human Behavior" alums, Chrissie Ferguson and Chuck Hagy, attended the "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "Civil Rights" seminars, respectively, in New York City in July 2018.
Special thanks to the Palm Beach Country Club Foundation for a grant in support of the Facing History scholarships provided by the Fellowship.
L-R: Kathleen Keithly, Bogdan Paraschivoiu, Sanford Lopater, Rachael Kelly, Kathleen Devine, Robert Weiner, Anne Franzen
Palm Beach Fellowship
of Christians and Jews
Post Office Box 507
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
(561) 833-6150
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The Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews is dedicated to promoting fellowship, understanding, and respect among all religions and cultures; bringing the community together through education, dialogue, and interaction; and addressing issues rooted in intolerance, antisemitism, and unjust discrimination.