John C. Randolph
David J. Thomas III
J. Grier Pressly III
Elinor Belfer
Eric Christu
Lew Crampton
Malka Fingold
Jeffrey Fisher
Charles Hagy, Jr.
Sylvia James
Cynthia Kanai
Richard Kleid
David S. Mack
Zelda Mason
J. William Metzger
Danielle H. Moore
James B. Murphy III
Heath Randolph
Ronald Y. Schram
Michael Small
Debora Weinstein
Michael Ainslie
Nancy Brinker
Gail Coniglio
Edward L. Hennessy, Jr.
Anita Michaels
Donald Perrin
Kenneth Z. Slater
Lesly Smith
Bob Wright
Susan Keenan Wright
Sherri Gilbert
Palm Beach Fellowship
of Christians and Jews
Post Office Box 507
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
(561) 833-6150
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The Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews is dedicated to promoting fellowship, understanding, and respect among all religions and cultures; bringing the community together through education, dialogue, and interaction; and addressing issues rooted in intolerance, antisemitism, and unjust discrimination.